To our loyal supporters, I need to update you and turn to you for some urgent help. I’ve been completely run off my feet. I am so so sorry I have been a little quiet on Facebook. It wasn’t my intention. There is just not enough hours in the day especially when you are dedicating every waking minute to the cats and kittens in care. I mean that, the cats and kittens are my life, they are here forever and I do everything I can to do what I can for them.

I hope you understand. We have no choice but tonight to launch an urgent fundraiser which I’m really hoping you will support.

It’s been busy. Really busy. I literally haven’t had a second to stop. I wanted to launch this fundraiser at the beginning of May. You have to believe me, but time has gotten away and we are now in a desperate situation for funds.

It’s been overwhelming. I love what I do and we see such great results like Ester and her litter of kittens. I got a call to help a mum cat and her kittens that she defended after a dog attack. She suffered several bite wounds and a badly broken leg and so needed it amputated.

Imagine caring for 7 kittens that needed syringe feeding every 3 hours around the clock. That was the situation we faced. We just couldn’t say no to Allegra, Diego, Lorenzo, Mario, Nero, Augustus, and Caesar. Balancing this with our every increasing workload, especially when tiredness well and truly set in after doing this for weeks at a time. They all are now weaned off and have a great time. They are with us for life and we will do all we can for them.

There’s also Muppet, an older, sick street cat whom we rescued. Muppet was not in a good way and needed numerous vet visits and tender loving care. Muppet was rescued in Canberra's north. He is an older gentleman who was abused and dumped. He is very frightened and would not have survived the winter on the streets. He is FIV positive and needs ongoing care.

Also I need to tell you about Clever. Clever has epilepsy,. Her seizures were life-threatening. She needs daily medication. With the medication, she is now well and comfortable and has gained weight but the road ahead is still long.

It’s important to remember that every cat and kitten that comes to us stays with us for live. We take in those that desperately need help. It’s a life long commitment.

We need to raise $20,000 tonight to pay off our bills and make sure we are back on level footing.

Just $5 from each and every one of you would help us get there. It’s the cost of your next cup of coffee but one that will help us so very much.

Please donate now:

Thank you!

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My Choice

To our loyal supporters, I need to update you and turn to you for some urgent help. I’ve been completely run off my feet. I am so so sorry I have been a little quiet on Facebook. It wasn’t my intention. There is just not enough hours in the day especially when you are dedicating every waking minute to the cats and kittens in care. I mean that, the cats and kittens are my life, they are here forever and I do everything I can to do what I can for them.

I hope you understand. We have no choice but tonight to launch an urgent fundraiser which I’m really hoping you will support.

It’s been busy. Really busy. I literally haven’t had a second to stop. I wanted to launch this fundraiser at the beginning of May. You have to believe me, but time has gotten away and we are now in a desperate situation for funds.

It’s been overwhelming. I love what I do and we see such great results like Ester and her litter of kittens. I got a call to help a mum cat and her kittens that she defended after a dog attack. She suffered several bite wounds and a badly broken leg and so needed it amputated.

Imagine caring for 7 kittens that needed syringe feeding every 3 hours around the clock. That was the situation we faced. We just couldn’t say no to Allegra, Diego, Lorenzo, Mario, Nero, Augustus, and Caesar. Balancing this with our every increasing workload, especially when tiredness well and truly set in after doing this for weeks at a time. They all are now weaned off and have a great time. They are with us for life and we will do all we can for them.

There’s also Muppet, an older, sick street cat whom we rescued. Muppet was not in a good way and needed numerous vet visits and tender loving care. Muppet was rescued in Canberra's north. He is an older gentleman who was abused and dumped. He is very frightened and would not have survived the winter on the streets. He is FIV positive and needs ongoing care.

Also I need to tell you about Clever. Clever has epilepsy,. Her seizures were life-threatening. She needs daily medication. With the medication, she is now well and comfortable and has gained weight but the road ahead is still long.

It’s important to remember that every cat and kitten that comes to us stays with us for live. We take in those that desperately need help. It’s a life long commitment.

We need to raise $20,000 tonight to pay off our bills and make sure we are back on level footing.

Just $5 from each and every one of you would help us get there. It’s the cost of your next cup of coffee but one that will help us so very much.

Please donate now:

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